Homophobic Racist Santa Clara University Law Professor Socrates Peter Manoukian
Power in the wrong hands is just as deadly as a gun. Fact is far too often, criminals make their way into positions of power. They victimize almost everyone they encounter. People going to them for justice end up being victimized. Meet Santa Clara County Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian. Who also by the way is a professor at the Santa Clara University in California. Judge Manoukian has a history of abuse and a long list of victims.Lies to police and law enforcement telling them the victims who are coming forward are terrorist, reporting they are armed and have machine guns. (all lies) but the point is to use police to raid homes, bully victims and get police on his side. Perjury is his game and he is famous for issuing Fraudulent Restraining Orders
Racist Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian Likes the word: "NIGGER" |
Please contact the various faculty and departments at Santa Clara University using the Santa Clara University Phonebook.
Please share, LIKE and expose. Our court system is infected with criminals who wear robes of shame.
http://MountainViewPlannedParentHood.Wordpress.com , http://santa-clara-county-cps-sexual-abuse.blogspot.com/ , http://TheRightAdvocate.Wordpress.com , SantaClaraFamilyJusticeCenter.com , CorruptCT.com , CorruptCA.com , http://UglyJudge.com , www.Ppjg.me , http://Santa-Clara-County.Blogspot.com , Manoukian-Family-Trust.BlogSpot.com ,
San Jose, California Police Officer Phillip White - Bias by Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeffrey Rosen and the Malicious Prosecution of Cary-Andrew Crittenden |
Racist Santa Clara County, California Superior Court Judge Socrates Peter Manoukian Likes the word: "Nigger" |
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